Choreographer, Performer
Across the Middle, Past the East
An Unsettled Cabaret
Creation and Performance: Enana, Fulvia Dallal, Roni Katz, Sirin Malas, Lee Mèir, Moona Moon, Rasha Nahas, Miriam Schickler
Concept: Roni Katz & Lee Méir
Light: Gretchen Blegen
Sound Technique: Catalina Fernandez
Guests: Sandra Noeth, Kattrin Deufert, Nedjma Hadj Benchelabi
Production: Annett Hardegen
2018 (premiere) / 2019 / Sophiensaele Berlin
A temporary collective of female identified artists with Eastern Mediterranean origins are delving into the complexity of the region. Together and apart we are uncovering the configurations of cultures, nations and identities, and how they mesh together into our conflicted histories, narratives, desires and dreams. What distinguishes us from our citizenships and how can we de-nationalize ourselves without erasing our cultural identities? How do we speak and work together taking into consideration privilege, political-social conflicts and struggles, and cultural differences? Can working together be a way of resisting systemic oppression? Through the eyes of our ancestors and our female role models from previous generations we are looking at the capacities and intentions to making art in a time and place of heightened patriarchy. Many things have changed, some things haven’t - one still finds herself needing to look for or find a new home. We are reclaiming the right to have a complex identity, to exchange and correspond with the bodies living next to us, to travel to unknown destinations passing through new homes and exiles. In the tradition of the cabaret the performance tackles intense political and intimate matters with tunes and wiggles, drinks and nibbles, all for your European gaze.
Full video documentation upon request
A production by Roni Katz & Lee Méir in collaboration with Vierte Welt,
supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds and the ZURÜCKGEBEN foundation

Image: Andre Lewski